Orchestre National Bordeaux Aquitaine

Concert schedules
MAY 2nd
20:00-20:50[Hall A]
Concert No : 114/Reserved seat S:2,000/A:1,500 |
- Schubert : Symphony No.8 in C Major D944 “The Great”
- Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine
- Kwame Ryan direction
MAY 3rd
14:45-15:30[Hall A]
Concert No : 213/Reserved seat S:3,000/A:2,000 |
- Weber : Overture to “Euryanthe”
- Beethoven : Piano Concerto No.3 in C Minor op.37
- Yu Kosuge piano
- Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine
- Kwame Ryan direction
18:30-19:15[Hall C]
Concert No : 246/Reserved seat S:2,500/A:1,500 |
- Beethoven : Overture to “Coriolan” in C Minor op.62
- Beethoven : Symphony No.2 in D Major op.36
- Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine
- Kwame Ryan direction
MAY 4th
21:30-22:15[Hall A]
Concert No : 316/Reserved seat S:3,000/A:2,000 |
- Beethoven : Violin Concerto in D Major op.61
- Nemanja Radulovic violin
- Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine
- Kwamé Ryan direction
12:45-13:30[Hall C]
Concert No : 343/Reserved seat S:2,500/A:1,500 |
- Lindpaintner : Sinfonia Concertante for wind quintet and orchestra No.1 in B flat Major
- Schubert : Symphony No.7 in B Minor D759 “Unfinished”
- Samuel Coles flute
- Dominique Descamps hautebois
- Richard Rimbert clarinette
- Bruno Perret basson
- Jean-Marc Dalmasso horn
- Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine
- Kwame Ryan direction
MAY 5th
16:45-17:35[Hall A]
Concert No : 414/Reserved seat S:2,000/A:1,500 |
- Schubert : Symphony No.8 in C Major D944 “The Great”
- Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine
- Kwamé Ryan direction
MAY 6th
14:30-15:15[Hall A]
Concert No : 513/Reserved seat S:2,500/A:2,000 |
- Weber : Overture to “Euryanthe”
- Beethoven : Piano Concerto No.4 in G Major op.58
- Michie Koyama piano
- Orchestre National de Bordeaux Aquitaine
- Kwame Ryan direction